In Langre

| Wine Bar | Penzion | Kemp in water | winery Langer |
Dear guests,
warmly welcome you to our website, where you can find all the necessary information about all services, offerings and ongoing events Wine and Pension U Langer in the Lower Věstonice Palava.
Wine bar and guesthouse U Langer opened 21. June 1996. It currently provides full range of services for visitors.
Wine Bar – Restaurant offers all day dining, It provides a range of services for both private individuals, and for corporate customers. According to your requirements we will organize celebrations, Function, corporate events, lectures or provide premises for your training, meetings, etc.. Also regularly we organize dance evenings and entertainment programs. For the most used and very popular service, consider wine-tasting for large or small groups of candidates. The building is a family wine cellar with a capacity of accommodation 16 beds.
In the context of seasonal activities run for the lovers of camping tents located right on the shore Novomlýnské reservoirs under Pálava hills.
The complex services also offer and sell their own wine Ladislav Langer Family Winery, including a visit to the cellar and wine tasting.