Joinery – restoration Šternberk
Joinery – restoration Šternberk
About us
I graduated from high school in Sumperk a carpenter-cabinetmaker. Carpentry and furniture restoration is my main activity since 1996. After ten years of restoration workshop in Olomouc since I 2006 Šternberk.
Our clients include both private individuals, antiquarians and art lovers, and State Castle Šternberk, Augustinian monastery in Šternberk, State Chateau Kromeriz, Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc Archdiocese…
The experience gained in the field are trying to capitalize on our work.
We provide restoration, renovation, Conservation, rehabilitation and repair of furniture, carvings and decorative art objects made of wood, door (front , interierových) ,doors and staircases.
Furniture restoration of historic architectural styles, Design and renovation of the furniture, who survived, production of replicas.
We cooperate with upholsterers, smiths, Pasir and so watchmakers , that our services are complete.
We provide advice , how to care for antique furniture.
reconstruction, furniture restoration (historical and modern)
missing parts
production of replicas (completion reports)
structural reinforcement
oprava delay inkustací
disposal of wood-boring insects, fungi
Surface finishes
- šelakovou politurou
- waxing
- fládrováním
- painting
- enamelling
- manufacture of solid wood furniture
- stairs and stairways
- wooden floors
- gates and doors
- garden furniture
- pergolas and carports
And carve anything in your návrhu.Rádi advice.
furniture restoration
restoration of doors
restoration of stairs
- Joinery – Restoration Ondrej Barna
Jesenická 2087/34
785 01 Šternberk
Tel.: +420 734 603 928
TECH ICAL: 64953114
Bank: KB Šternberk
č.ú. 43-8347400237/0100