Our story
At the beginning of the hard work. From 12 let, year 1985, I took care of livestock, and I learned from their ancestors, how to cater, prepared and given to cattle feeding and all the other important work. When he ran out of time sticking, I was always with sincere curiosity learned this craft from his father, who is one of the most respected masters in the production of authentic country pig slaughter. And such is the 15 flights idea to bring people living in rural revelries right and high quality products, by providing substantial. Now you can taste for yourself.The tradition of the old masters
First, he learned from the old masters butchers my grandfather. His art gave my father, which became one of the most butcher masters Vyškovsku. Its products are in a wide area renowned for its high quality and perfect taste. As a true son of the family, I took over the craft and 23 years, I made my first revelries. The result was surprisingly good for me, so I started to hone in recipes and production village pig slaughter. Increasing people's interest in our products caused me to, I realized his dream. enable people, who are interested in honest products, to taste fresh and high quality products right from the village pig slaughter. tak dne 19. 1. 2011 created by JUDAS-F Ltd., and thus the right Pandrhola village feast.Honest taste without "kid stuff"
Pandrhola thinks, You even have the right ekovýrobky taste of authentic country home pig slaughter. They taste great and none of them contain Es and other chemicals or substitutes, all that is taboo in our country and in our opinion, does not do food. We make everything by hand, certified according to the old country classics, They confessed to his father ancestors. In addition, we think about children, which, same as you, we always give the best. Therefore, we have developed products, which are tailored to the child's organism. We produce gluten-free products without the use of additives, kid stuff and other substitutes, as
dyes, aromata, konzervanty, flavor enhancer, regulators, the enhancement agent, stabilizers, modified starches etc.… These chemicals never find it in its entirety Pandrholovy production.
Orient themselves in the maze is not easy kid stuff, an overview will help web, where you'll find all used Es and uncover the dangerous.
For your reference, we include a list of kid stuff, to help you everyday purchases.
lists “kid stuff” find here. More information about groups “kid stuff” and other additives you can read here.Regional
Regional food from small family producers as PANDRHOLA taste better, They smell better and often look better than the production of food factories and mass production, where the only criterion profit, and then once more gain and profit.Comparison
Try to compare pâté (maypole) made of leather, separátu,bone and God knows what else with an honest product of meat, were used where no artificial chemicals besides genuine ingredients (So meat, bacon and spices) so, as he did in the days of our grandmothers.BIO
It is not so important,ask why? BECAUSE THE PRODUCTS HERE IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC, Which contain meat and bear ORGANIC CERTIFICATION usually contain 30% CHEMIE!! This is simply prokazetelná and therefore it does not matter if the product is organic or not.! The essence of real food is high quality material, which was made with the knowledge of the craft and support without unnecessary chemicals. Such raw materials and food, to cook them at home will not only wonderfully tasty, but also healthy. Prevention of diseases of civilization begins with your diet, you do, what do you eat. And your children well.Meat
want to know, What you're buying meat, where cattle grazed, what is the breed, who took care of him and what he was fed, and who and how to beat him ?
Meat from Pandrhola which manufactures its ekovýrobky only the meat regional origin, the Moravian landowner. We support a butcher um and a return to traditional craft. What exactly does that mean?
Year-round cares, that animals live as naturally as possible, was healthy and well fed, He had the opportunity to graze on pasture. Pets are not unduly stressed and are kept in decent conditions. They are not fed antibiotics, growth hormones or steroids. Therefore, their meat taste better than conventional factory farming, It is softer and more fragile, and last but not least, healthier than meat imported from a factory farming.Inspiration
Pandrhola I like to be inspired, so the video below you will see which way the family brand Pandrhola issues and how profound importance to us and our children return to tradition.Nativity Pandrholy
Pandrhola so decided for one reason and that is the bureaucracy, he had to endure from his family and most coup six months after approval of their families without food industry fair 100% chemie,Thus additives, substitutes and gluten,rychlosůl and other chemical shit, které komerční výrobci rádi používají k zrůdnému obohacení.!
Začalo to vše tím, že před kolaudací naši malé rodinné výrobny si páni z SVS odebrali vzorky, které jsme měli již půl roku před kolaudací vyrobené. Jejich domněnka, že se jedná o blázna, kterému stejně vyjdou laboratorní výsledky pozitivní (na listérii a jiné látky) nebudou brát vážně. Měli za to, že jde o pokus. 🙂 V den, kdy probíhala ve výrobně kolaudace se po zápisu zástupci veteriny a hygieny usadili na dvorku, kde se mě ptali, jak co plánujeme do budoucna. They asked, čí je vedle pozemek, co tam zamýšlíme – if production expansion, how long it will last us products in containers in a cellar or in cold storage etc.. I did not ask these questions deeper reflection. When they arrived in less than a month the results of the analysis of our products are completely negative results, I glowed with happiness, the method for producing plain old, that my ancestors had in the little finger, and I them from their 12 years learned to produce, They are in 2011 After testing in an accredited laboratory still as honest as the good old days. Thus, we were assigned a registration entitling Pandrholu to manufacture and sell its ekoproduktů.Pandrhola arose from day to day, and "yesterday" decided to produce honest food according to old recipes and traditions of their ancestors!! I have this idea in my mind since 1995, When I saw (1996) What products carry home to Brno at the Christmas market Svoboďák "dudes", who described his stall pork feast and townspeople there were endless queues on the bluffs!!!!!!!!! (I thought that there may be food for, when I felt the smell to "Mekovi", našel jsem odvahu a ochutnal ty šmakulády, blijno mě bylo ještě hodinu po pozření a následném vyplivnutí! 🙁 Tehdy jsem jako mladý kluk (22 let) vše pověděl doma rodičům a ti se jen smáli, protože věděli, že vyrobit poctivé jídlo je velmi složité a nákladné. Tenkrát jsem jim odpověděl: Jednou přivezu do Brna lidem ochutnat naše jídlo, které já baštím minimálně od svých 4 let (dřív si nepamatuji.)Má první poznámka někdy koncem září v první třídě zněla: Váš syn hází po spolužácích jitrnicí. To víte, můj táta dělal 120 when 150 zabijaček different people in our and at least ten surrounding villages every year and always gave him a little hamper :). Father made sausage essentially laundered into the intestines and are Wow sausage!!!! Surely you once I make. I learned as a little dig sausage by grandfather, bread in one hand and a sausage in the second I vykusoval for casings. When I was at the end of vykusováním, so my friend threw his head wet sponge, I took a stick and threw him casing and the teacher just came, it was painted. It is true, we had to compose a painting of the whole class, because everyone enjoyed it and we threw all the big break. At the head of it made 1.60 CZK. At the end of the event in the class was a great home pucunk!!!Let's return back. In 1999 I decided to, I'll try to settle a family project for the construction of plant on private land next to our house with, that everything will borrow money from the bank and the Agricultural Chamber of Vyškov fund PRGLF handle this support to obtain a loan, We then asked RELIEF! tO OBTAIN 8 one thousand. crowns. Rightful project was completed in six months, to audit and other documents. I had also outside of commuting to work in Brno two years every morning and evening to execute 40 pigs, because the relief sought from PRGLF for a chance to get a loan was a condition of business in operation for at least two years of turnover over 200 tis. When all was fulfilled, so me and my dad, we went to the Ministry of Agriculture Vyškov, Director of the Agrarian Chamber to ask for support to get a loan to build a small family factory. When I was sitting with my dad at the office of the Director, so he started asking questions: where you take the pigs, how you produce, where and how you sell and others .......
I replied,: We have a big backyard rearing (1200m2), there we will feed the piglets purchased custom blends. Production will take place in the new premises, which approved the construction project next to our house in Dětkovice. (incidentally made available to the designer p. Šťasta, Brno Dornych and equipment p. Jumper, Brno gastro breathes) The sale will be handled roundsmen customers directly to the house. He stared at us like studs and laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He began about next competition over three lands – PRIMA Prikryl Tištín / Nezamyslice (which had made difficult scams, after the factory closed, vytunelovali employees properly and ended up on the street!) and other nonsense as it will not work and what you somewhere. Me and my dad and we got up for ridicule our plan to get from a small family factory honest food to people in cities with severe head thanked and excused the. Outside, I told my father, do not worry, we can do it without him. And imagine, there he sat with us, my father's cousin Pavel Tomášek, that there on Agrarian Chamber Vyškov worked all his life in some sectors, next to the director's office and still nothing we were not valid.! GOD ŽEL, DOTACE ZDE V ČR JSOU PŘEVÁŽNĚ URČENÉ JEN PRO VYVOLENÉ!!! JAKO VŠE OSTATNÍ DOBRÉ 🙁CO SE NESTALO PO DVANÁCTI LETECH!! Měli mě a mého tátu za blázny a dnes mě prosí, ať přijedu k tomuto ministerstvu (Brno Kotlářská, Vyškov k byvalému Agrodomu), prodávat své luxusní výrobky bez gramu chemie!!!! Jistý pan. Ing. Jaromír Musil, Ph.D. lákal letos na jaře Pandrholu na OBECNÝ TRH (rozdíl mezi obecým trhem a poctivým vám vysvětlím v rubrice Pravdy někdy příště) při ul. Kotlářská 902/53. Kde nás měl v úmyslu postavit do boční uličky za velký kontejner na odpadky, říkám: "How much will a place for Dumpster state?“. Answer: „700,- crowns "!! I almost went into a tailspin and tell: "For the money as possible up to the entrance and not here around the corner to the dustbin". Answer: "There's already standing there and others place". I tell him: "For large meat-processing plants (some impostor "producer" of Hodonin stretched out over the plac), for which there is a place, But the honest manufacturer, which incidentally meets Code markets would not be there instead? already not! Povídám Goodbye!“
Never you will not see these objects happen to our stand!!WHERE ANY PARTICULAR hustler stuffing into the maw million SUBSIDIES AND THAT PRODUCES DANGEROUS WITH ... Of course, Y AND TO GET decent people, Is capable of producing honest food, He turns his back and after a few years, That same shamelessly begs !!! freaks, No comment!
Why Pandrhola
We are a small family business specializing in the production of pork specialties, which honors quality, good manners, respect for animals and the environment and client satisfaction.
Work team, which makes you Pandrholovy ekovýrobky: Father champion pork specialties, Mom biggest stickler for cleanliness, pansy or most conscientious of what I know Kuchtík, a careful wife Petra and I, who learned from his father from 12 years of his life.
We produce legally in a small family factory in the village Dětkovice to Vyškovsku, i.e.. We do not produce a ton, but only the necessary amount of quality handmade products ekokvalitě week!
Mark Pandrhola is the first and only manufacturer and poddružných pork specialties in Czech Republic, which in its ekovýrobků not used in completely and no chemical additives or substitutes in its entirety. Except for two, all Pandrholovy class products gluten-free!
5. We produce hand
As one of the few adhere to the production of old habits without the production of automated processes some stupid machine. Family Pandrhola brand produces everything manually, mainly from the Czech breeding mixture fed from fields around the plant Pandrholovy.
All organic products Pandrhola family brands are manufactured exclusively from raw materials obtained from the Moravian-quality and proven breeders and growers, who have the same goal as Pandrhola – without chemistry better and longer lives.
7. freshness of the ingredients
Pandrhola manufactures ekovýrobky from fresh meat obtained from slaughter just before the start of production. This is the maximum freshness and quality of raw materials.
Covers, Pandrhola it uses to carry out its luxury ekovýrobků have a new certificate on safety. The inner surface of the can is provided with a special film for food contact. With these packages and products 100% without chemistry is characterized by the quality of our ekovýrobky, which increases with the age of the product.
Pandrhola is based on half-yearly stringent laboratory tests of their ekovýrobků, assigned international registration for the sale of its ekovýrobků to countries throughout the EU!
Our family manufactory Pandrholových ekovýrobků has developed production control system HACCP certified according to international sanitary EU directives!
Already after the first half-yearly examination of our ekovýrobků from us from the factory they started to buy in bulk themselves vets, who thanks to his role had the opportunity to examine our ekovýrobky after a year in custody accredited laboratory. Our family of products manufactory Pandrhola is under the constant supervision of agro – State food inspection!
My father is a very experienced master of pig-slaughtering rich experience, he started as an apprentice in his 15 years in one family butcher, where he learned from his ancestors properly produce true village revelries.
Family Pandrhola own brand now has an original family recipe of his ancestors, who knew, What principles and procedures to be followed in the manufacture of, to protect the best health of his close family members.
Pandrholovým goal is to produce clean ekovýrobky, which completely not contain any chemicals and substitutes. It is an honest approach to family Pandrholovy ekokvalitě their products and thus contribute to better health and vitality of its customers her children
| O UZENÉM MASE | The Sadler | O PAŠTICE |
O uzeném mase
As many of our customers know, so exceptional smoked Pandrhola is made according to old family practice, which are now on store shelves will not find. Similar products are imported to us from Italy, Spain and similar countries, where the old traditional production 80 and several years ago was like in our family has been preserved until the present. The price of these smoked products from abroad exceeds ours severalfold! In our republic will today hardly anyone will be able to put on the counter-smoked according to traditional practices. If you today a farmer follows smoked smoked, so the maximum for themselves and their loved ones!
Pandrhola manufactures all its products in this way from the days of our forefathers and to point out entirely without chemicals and manually as it was in earlier times warranted habit.
And therefore Pandrholovo smoked is made otherwise than as traditional honest way. Never in the future in our encounter with the use of chemicals, substitutes and retreat from the way from the days of traditional manufacturing. These old habits honest manual production will be preserved in our family, until I, Pandrhola – the son of my father – an experienced master in the production of domestic pork specialties, be alive.Pandrhola smoked slowly on very hard wood, which is preparing to smoking several years in advance as was the custom in my family and some farmers in the villages before 30 and fewer flights. Only on such specially prepared beforehand hardwood with smoked meat 20 – 35 hours, Health is safe and has a high quality!
If you are interested smoked chemical manufactured in the Czech Republic, so I recommend smoked specialties from meat processing plants and mass-small or big, here in the Czech Republic have a monopoly of representation and capable of "chemical smokehouse" to lead a greater yield than drove. ie. hang on a trolley in the smokehouse for example,. 200 kilo prepared ingredients, that is the day before the die unit with the pumped water mixed with the chemistry – among other poisons E250 !!! E621 !!! E407 !!! and connect inside the "vymakané smokehouse" buttons! In this machine the product 70% time cooks, it acquires volume and weight of ca.. 25-45%. Then baked and finally začmoudí beech chips. Subsequently exported to odpařovny, a similar machine like the one in which they do, rather boiled and then cooled with water to evaporate. Weight when the deliveries 200kilo, while exports 270kilo! No comment. And this is only 35% inked chemistry. The machine is able to 70% !!!!!!!!! see link. To this machine pours a certain quantity of powder, e.g. Hague 100 viz.odkaz, who already has everything in itself and just presses a button.! Slaves throws the strip raw meat and on the other hand, back into containers. You ask how can this monster pump up meat for one hour ,!! 1600 kilo . !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time, it takes the process of "smoking", is minute compared to the traditional way as we do at Pandrholy. To znamená, they normally are able to "bloat" tons of chemical product daily budget, honest compared to the traditional method of smoking wood, which has a yield of only a few dozen kilos of high quality product per day. Why do so? For several reasons: the first is rozhodla December velkovýrobu, Secondly, "a smoking machine" worth millions of crowns and die than have to produce several tens of thousands of tons. And thirdly – unpardonable monstrous mamóóóóóóóóoóóóóón!The price of such smoked, although low, but the quality of the product is zero, irrespective, the meat, which is prepared the day before, outside the coating machine is pressure pumped chemistry, that makes 45% scales finished “product” and is soaked in the chemistry of the second day!
Result so consumed smoked meat ……. Perhaps it any reasonable conjecture alone!
Price of 50,- to CZK 280,- CZK according to the type of meat used, and also morality impostor.I especially like the, when a producer – but most manufacturers essentially smoked e.g.. English bacon, Kladenská roast, garlic bok, Moravian smoked meat, Sausages and other, credited to tag "morning pulled out of the smokehouse"! But he does not say what the smokehouse and smoked as prepared. Below you can make a judgment about, What is the preparation of these products listed bellow common to all manufacturers of commercial uses and what is this s ... .For! viz. below:
"Feed" salt, konzervant e 250!!!, feed mixture (stabilizer E 450, E 451, E 452 dextrose, modified starch E 1422, thickener E407 !!!!!, antioxidant E300, flavor enhancer, aroma and E 621!!!, spice), thickening mixture (modified starch E 1422), mixture of spices (spice, vegetable oils, yeast extracts, carrier E 422, E 1520, acid E 330), pokryv (starch, dye E 150 d, vegetable oil, garlic).For Pandrholy loss is smoked specialties 40% when 53% scales according to the type of meat, smoking time and length lacquering at low temperature.
Talk about profit Pandrholově smoked for us is sad, profit barely enough to cover the costs of production!!!!!! Pandrhola produced with love for tradition and the heart of the family and not for profit and fraud, that anyone can!!
I think, that we will gain time to, until people realize, how difficult it is today in the Czech Republic due to an honest family manufacturer scams and policy in the Czech Republic and EU! Why is the quality of the food produced in the Czech Republic as well, including those imported so low? Among other reasons, the salaries 80% People in our country have been declining for several years and just will not go up. Who's to blame? Mainly what I intend?!!!!
Trust, that all the products offered today marks Pandrhola we gain the fixed percentage so, really just to cover costs, who thinks, we're in much of a profit, so you can come and look at factory. I like to demonstrate his method of making honest handmade products without chemicals, substitutes and gluten according to old recipes from the time of the beginning 20. century.The Sadler
Honest lard today belong to the basic animal omastkům kitchens announced housewives in villages or towns. PURE quality lard, Which is hand cut and stirred-up is incomparable with commercial "lard" produced by large meat-processing plants! THAT THE PRODUCTION OF SEVERAL TONS OF DAILY USE MACHINES! Also, it is incomparable with vegetable oils or fats stiffened solid chemicals e.g.. Rama,Lukana and other brands. You ask why? because, Healthy ingredients such as unsaturated fatty acids and minerals are taken from them for more profit!
(Manufacturers of commercial vegetable oils benefiting big money from people's ignorance, who have no chance to learn how their "amazing" products manufactured, what do they Gorge in chemistry and what it should be used after the start of production 70 years (To lubricate the machines in industry,Color mixing and other industries).
But the worst is, that due to fraudulent advertising campaigns of the early nineties disappeared people's interest in quality, our grandmothers tried and tested easily digestible animal fats. Ad was induced mass distrust of products of animal fat,which basically remains in many people until today. Today's vegetable fats fits just right into the older cars as additional fuel, in any case not as a food product!
Why? Firstly, vegetable fats are byproducts! The basic raw materials such as rape,sunflower,soybeans and corn are grown with us easily and have a high yield per hectare plochy.před Twenty years ago it was half!! In addition, production costs because, it is a by-product obtained from the main raw material(the base used for the production of bio fuels,pharmaceuticals and other sectors) It is directly lucrative for our growers, producer and especially legislators!!! Why produce quality wholesome fat or grease, It would have made it nesypaly as always a lot of money into the pockets of certain monsters.As such vegetable oils produces?
From the basic raw material vyseparují fatty acids and because they do not as such become rancid and durability, thus removed antioxidant natural ingredients!! The remaining material (s….a) to tune chemistry such as hexanol or chlorine bělidlo.Dále added chemical components against odors and colors with the colors to which potravinářskýma added preservative!, to mask any odor of žluknutí.Např. E407 !!!!!!!!!! E508 !!!!!!!!The main harmful consequences, which the human body works rancid chemically treated industrial oil or fat from meat packing plants belong: loss of sight, damage of the central nervous system, respiratory disease, anemia, abnormal thinking, hazy memory. Long-term consumption causes cancer and then, increased risk of atherosclerosis, an increase in the number of heart attacks and strokes, disorders and digestive tract cancers THEREFORE I COLON, pain and many other problems, associated with poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies.
How fat produces Pandrhola?
In our family we have always produced high quality food 100% without chemicals and substitutes – So clean ekopotraviny! Lard, of course, they also include. How else could our grandmothers cook or bake a variety of goodies without quality grease?!
Family team Pandrholy makes it so, like old times, or otherwise because it never did. Our fragrant sádýlko is produced only for you and only for backfat. Lard must first manually cube and then empties into a large open basin, where it is heated to the desired temperature. Following several hours of manual mixing until release. When the fat has melted and allowed to cool. Once cooled, so manually packed into trays or sklenic.Naše fragrant lard produce once a week each day. In one day produce about. 75 kilo pure lard,therefore 150 pieces of trays after 500 g.
Naturally co-product generated during the production of fat greaves. Our scratchings made by hand in the old way and with years of knowledge acquired from my ancestors, they are simply luxury. Yourself well know,that during the rolling of the final dish tastes better, He has a certain amount of energy.How and from what produces fat meat plants?
First, the production of lard and cracklings in slaughterhouses used expensive machines, which do not need to prepare and mix the presence of a human hand, but only the instant press a few buttons! The resulting product? No comment! What is the basic raw material for production of commercial "lard"? It is a beef tallow, which has a value 20 cents per 1 kilo and the ratio of fat is at best!2/3 the pork dorsal / internal sádlu.To then one wonders, how is possible, that during the time grandmothers lard was always fragrant and snow white, Today, somehow smell and the snow-white color can only dream. No wonder, when they are making such scams!! And people do not know. Because a large percentage of people buying vegetable oil, which is also quite "mňamka". Of course, What we left too? Commercial manufacturing process is as follows: big hopper was filled with the above mentioned raw materials and grinding the buttons, After filling the boiler so frying "of ground raw beef tallow and lard boiler closes and another button switches for frying. Then the fat is discharged into the vessel and catches "cracklings", when it smells a lot, so of them do, "crackling spread",you finish E621!!! a E250!!! and other gimmicks, if it does not stink, so they go on sale throughout. Lard is similar, if it smells or yellowed, so do so. flavored lard. Perhaps with herbs, Also make up for sure, and chemistry goes into the world as a cure! Lard is impregnated into the dispenser trays over weight and only one closed containers. That's the entire production process several hundred kilos of lard basically unattended for about. two hours! Already wonder, why people with Pandrholy popular with our high-quality hand-stirred-up clean fragrant sádlo.a delicious greaves. The price of commercial lard and cracklings this is perhaps already clear to all. What abortive purchase of lard scale customer gains? "Nothing", just threw money and ruin the taste of food, which this fat prepared and the health detriment mention. What gets fraudulent manufacturer,when beef tallow costs 20 cents a kilo?! It is not about anything other than profit! That is cheating and you sold the lard as "lard" he fuk! And the crackling spread or herb lard is full toughest kid stuff, so are flavors.
Older people have a yet deeper into your pocket and want to buy hustler fat from beef tallow,Crackling spread,or herbal lard filled with chemicals, While this is all for twenty!!!!Change your oil in the kitchen for honest lard only produced entirely by hand on an open valley with love, How does your family team Pandrhola!
High-quality lard, today recommended capacity silence among doctors your friends, for cooking or baking but also needs some light health problems. Why, because manually melted lard honest old ancestors has proven procedure, high content of unsaturated fatty acids!
Do cold dishes, use olive oil např.poctivý, Only never heat!
Did you know, even goose, duck, rabbit or turkey fat incidentally are perfect for making cakes and other goodies in your kitchen? Have you ever heard Jezevčí lard and its therapeutic properties?
you know, Pandrhola that has two customers, who successfully treats psoriasis by being honest fat Pandrholy?!
O paštice
constantly ask me, "Does your pate gluten? Indeed there is no chemistry? What is the difference between pate for children and men?“
So I like to explain, as it is with our pate from Pandrholy and what makes this so special pâté!.
I own this Paštiková recipe (like any other recipe Pandrholovy) with no changes made in our family for several tens of years and passed down from generation to generation. I Pandrhola not made this pie not so different from, as was produced over a hundred years ago in our family literally! (Longer you remember mom and dad and both my parents are buried before it was born Pandrhola) imagine, the roasted meat from the shoulder bake in the oven at the old ahead of hell my babička.Tato very old oven baked meat like no other! Personally, my wife Petra have several times tried to bake for other newer and very modern types, but unfortunately the result was always considerably worse. Honest taste simply can not easily fooled, and especially, when you have over the years trained tongue as Pandrhola (Already.). I searched for clues, proč tomu tak je a jediné co jsem zjistil je, že je to jak s motorem a aerodynamikou ve formuli 1!! Tvar a příkon trouby, tvar a průměr tělesa, spínaní a jiné aspekty, které dělají tuto pečící troubu po babičce absolutní špičkou v upečení masa pro naši paštiku. Samozřejmě pečeme si v ní pro sebe jelítka,maso Pandrhola,to je hodně luxusní záležitost.! a jiné dobroty. Takže základ je mít opravdu poctivou troubu! 🙂 ! Rada zní: neutrácejte za nové věci, když ty starší leckdy ještě předčí ty nové 🙂
Jak Pandrhola vyrábí tuto velmi poctivou a chutnou paštiku s 84% share luxuriously baked meat without a single gram of chemistry and gluten?
First of all meat !, which has the right proportion of fat! was allowed to mature in the bar in an enamel pot. Once the meat has been found and bake it until golden plate after plate like the old days. For interest, what you think, Bake the sheets for the week? Year, it's something around 22 sheet. Out of this amount is prepared 150 piece luxury pâtés. Bake the meat on brutvanech, that they are now heritage from ancestors. Roasted meat must again rest at the correct temperature until the next day. Then milled and re-heat treated. The rest is mystery,our family. At the very end everything is carefully mixed oak Kopisty, while at the end of a clean aftertaste lightly spices. Pate for guys right hand picking up glasses. Incidentally, in our production we are doing everything manually!! Only in this way can be tasty and honest!!! Pate for children does not directly into the glasses of the basin, but it is a large shallow saucepan and hand mixer pomixuje five dishes and then again manually picking up small jars šufánkem. Then, the glass must pate correctly zapasterovat. Pasteurized and pasteurized is a big difference!!!
Knowing and remembering how pasterovali our ancestors is one thing and know this is the second!!!
I have had great luck, that my brother had been the slacker and I had from my 9 and years of toil for him. And I had to do everything. Because I learned everything. 🙂
Pasteurized inherently not so difficult, but it's a big alchemy each product, because no product honest not much the same temperature and time pasteurization! (Pandrhola nezavařuje in pot, but very expensive pressure equipment, specially made to order for our small family factory!)
you know, What is the difference between pasteurisation and sterilization? directly huge, but more on that some other time. After pasteurization must be properly cooled, again it is by custom, ancestors and how and who taught it honestly. In conclusion, after drying and cleaning by hand glued pansy Jitka and my mom etiquette and your pate.And as it goes in a conventional production?
We begin by, What is there by default gives and how to prepare basic material for commercial pies medium quality as a percentage of the finished product:"Meat" were crushed and "separation" from the heads of the bones of animals using screens and cutting machine: share 26%
pork skin jelly soaked in chemistry 24 hours share 8%
offal – liver….. share 22%
the counter confiscated goods such as smoked meats and other stake 9%
"Lard" in the best case, otherwise standard lard or beef tallow toughener !!! share 18%
"Water", which has a 18 helpers see. below according insolence impostor share 14%
thickening mixture – roughage, starch, modified soy, onion,broth,spice.. share xHelpers flavoring, color stabilization, and hearty weight!! or Es, which are not intended to do anything other than the manufacturers, dealers, farmaceutníků, private hospitals, godparents and top brass billionaire! and of you and your children a lifetime debris.!
Here they are commonly used poisons (printer billions) inter alia, to the pates in the Czech Republic.
stabilizer E 335 ,! E 450, !!! E 451/2 !!! E 250, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zahušťovadlo E 407, !!!!!!! E415,!! E412, E425, E1420 , !! E 508, !!!!!!!
antioxidant E 300,! E 301,!! E 316, !! E 330 !
E controller 500, !
flavor enhancer E 627, !!!!!!! E 631, !!!!!!! E 621,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All these poisons are dangerous to health and shit poisons, rankest E621 is a salt of glutamic acid, E250 salt of nitrous acid. They are the most used and also the hardest poisons in the Czech Republic!! especially in meat products.! Are used from a single viewpoint gives a taste and smell of the water mass and the second stabilizing barvu.Navíc excellent water-binding properties.! E407 and E508 idle, These hard poisons will replace inter alia broth, fat in meat products , Sadílek eg. 500g za 25,-! Additional herbal lard, crackling spreads,fermentují a změkčují maso, can bind large amounts of water.!! . Finally, it also arranges, when food, which contains this s ... .For, and the front end of the period of consumption, It can be heated without problems and produce from it a novel food, which will have a further addition of chemicals 21 day warranty! Irrespective, that this chemistry produces A country of natural resources and for us is made from completely different basic raw materials (Czech citizens do not care, somewhere are those residues of the slaughterhouse and country must clean, It forbade them to feed livestock!! and produced! Yes you what you already know how it works here really know food, Unas that gives a little “producer” pure meat.
NO COMMENT (soon I will introduce all these Xindl detail)As these chemicals are applied? It looks complicated, but believe, it is very simple ! Certain Czech company that manufactures all poisons for agricultural and food industry (the second largest in Europe) has these poisons, inter alia, to pies has been prepared according to the requirements freaks (producer) in polyethylene bags!! The mixture was treated with water only, which Masina special buttons to pumping raw materials and all the other crap before cooking! It is further mixed with the water under heating! The monster can additionally taps on the screen how many will want extra yield in the finished product ! Pokud zrůda chce více mašina napíchá více chemie!!!! Tyto „zrůdné tiskárny na miliardy“ dokážou v poho napchat 1600 kilo „masa“ za hodinu!! Průměrná výtěžnost zejména u „uzených“ mas je 35 – 55 % na kilo základní hmotnosti!! U jiných je to obdobné!
JAK JEDNODUCHÉ! VŠE SE DÁVKUJE NA VÁHU VODY a suroviny-! JEDNOU PŘED A PODRUHYÉ PO!! VTĚŘINOVÁ ZÁLEŽITOST!!Zde je odkaz na test paštik.¨e to nářez.! Např.Výrobce: Alimpex–maso s. r. O. Název jako sv..a! a paštika maso neviděla 🙂
viz.Složení: vepřová játra, pork lard, voda, salt, a mixture of spices and herbs, dried garlic, starch, milk protein, sugar, stabilizers (E 451, E 452), antioxidant (E 300, E 301, E 330), konzervant (E 250, E 262). allergens: milk. May contain traces of almonds and among other things showed tests: In this pate was physicochemical examination to chicken protein! So reprint and poultry bones! Monsters in pork pate? brrrr.
Price: 100 g 12,72 CZK Nou koment
Producer: Alimpex–maso s. r. O.
vendor: Bill s. r. O.Pandrhola for 85% luxurious roast meat in his pate weighing 310 grams., price 74 CZK = 240 kg, -kč
Pandrhola of this article has been measles and therefore will end .
Trust, us a few! honest farmers're not here to scare you decent people and children. We are here for sacrifice (we are honest we have no gram chemistry, We have now dealt with under the boiler big beech logs from monsters) for company, when will the, that we make really good food without a gram of chemistry we have a chance. Against us, among other things stands, (about it next time) armor legislation held in the hands of those in power, who will intentionally medicate the conventional diet of the worst what can be produced in the EU. And at the same time sell, so you and your children under massive targeted advertising, that pushes you to your subsequent consumerism and this shit eating, deliberately brainwashed you became so obedient slaves!For children, the chemistry in eating more food than for adults, with the count!!Pandrhola says goodbye and finally I got you good news, I know some very honest farmers in Moravia and together we intend to be at the beginning of the year 2013 merge into one association, that will make you a decent educate people and children with its high quality products and underappreciated, There are certain places in Moravia. Association occurs also because, we have to produce under pressure from leaving his goal to produce honest natur organic food you decent citizens of the Czech devastated country.
Good health and happiness in life for you and your children wants Pandrhola team
- workshop
JUDAS-F s.r.o.
the king 279/9, 616 00 Brno
ICO: 29264057 | UID: CZ29264057
tel.: +420 736 480 341
tel.: +420 736 480 342manufactory
Dětkovice 33
683 23 Ivanovice to Hane
tel.: +420 736 480 342