S.R.. S.R..
Furniture production – joinery.
Petr Mlčoch
Hliníky 444 / 5b
796 01 Prostejov
tel.: 582 335 035
car: 775 646 444
car: 721 829 167
Here you will find a comprehensive presentation of our products and services in the field of joinery production. We are moving successfully on the market already 15 years and so we know, that our offer and production possibilities will satisfy even the most demanding customer.
It will be our pleasure, if the following offer of our products will help you in deciding when furnishing your home and realizing your ideas.
Range of diversity in our cooking studio and apartment includes: kitchen counters, built-in wardrobes, living rooms, Chairs and tables, equipment for offices and workrooms, floors and moldings, doors and doorframes, custom manufacturing, installation and other services.