Ladislav Koranda – KOUPELNYCZ
779 00 OLOMOUC
tel. 585 435 237
We are a modern construction company with long experience in reconstruction of bathrooms in flats and houses.
During our presence in the market we have many satisfied customers and successful implementations. This building activity usually involves the reconstruction of the whole area around the core housing. The reconstruction includes not only the replacement of the housing core material,but also the adjustment of the layout of the sanitary facilities,hallway and kitchen. By interfering with the housing core, we are able to increase the living comfort not only in the hygienic rooms,but in the entire apartment unit. The short lifespan of bathrooms in panel flats is due to the technical solution. The steel structure of the apartment core is surrounded on all sides by Umakarta boards, which are provided with a rubber seal at the corners and joints. The seal will age after a certain time, corrodes, it begins to peel and release moisture. Gap air exchange 2 – 3 cm between umakart plates is only very small. As soon as moisture enters the gap, the whole steel structure begins to rust. Po 20-30 years of use, the core begins to disintegrate due to the weakening of the material in the rusted structure. The bathroom has become a room of relaxation and rest. time, when the bathroom was just a dark damp place with a washing machine they are fortunately long gone. The modern bathroom is full of fresh air, pleasant colors and tasteful accessories. To achieve the right comfort, cleansing our body includes, in particular, proper heating and ventilation. There are several options – just choose. Bathroom renovation is a relatively expensive investment for many years, therefore, it is good to think carefully about everything. Our company is able to not only think about your bathroom together with you,but also implement. Due to the larger number of customers,We would like to ask you to book dates in advance , to contact us at least 2 when 3 months ahead. We carry out orders in the Olomouc region.