Kominictví Jozef Uhrín, Bludov
Kominictví - Bludov | Šumperk | Mohelnice
WHERE you can order
And surrounding areas
Our staff can be found at work in Šumperk and surrounding villages, but also in cities Uničov, Lanškroun, Czech Třebová, Litovel, Rýmařov, Bruntal and Jesenik vicinity. Larger chimney action, however, realize the whole Czech Republic.
Especially in these places we repair existing chimneys, napojujeme krbová kamna, revisiting boilers and other appliances, vložkujeme, mill with chimney and perform other operations, that are not needed. Just prepare business owners, houses and flats for winter, that again at the end of strikes.
Take advantage of the beautiful weather you, when a man much easier to tolerate some the necessary chimney work, than when it is cold word reports. In addition, some activities can not be implemented even during the winter for safety reasons or technological procedures.
Just in case we have any questions please contact should be on the street, While there will become our car, or send an e-mail to inhrin@vlozhardni.cz or call (+420) 777 309 223 and we are in touch with you.
Our service praise as private individuals, and so the company. No environment is not alien to us. And for their quality work we guarantee. Our best advertisement is successful three decades in the field. Uhrín surname is not only a chimney sweep for Šumperk. We look forward to meeting with you and!
Jozef Uhrín
Company Headquarters
8. May 286, 789 61 Bludov
Tel: (+420) 583 238 197
(+420) 777 309 223
(+420) 602 527 281
jozef.inhrin@Whererldonat thene.cfrom
TECH ICAL: 10025081
Trade certificate issued by MU Šumperk, č.j.96 / 0105 / TO, ev.č.380900-101844-00