Production and installation of furniture
IVO KOUŘIL – JOINERY (Vincencov 14, ocher. Prostejov)
Car: +420 602 682 521
workshop: +420 582 370 859
E-mail: nabytek-kouril@volny.cz
The IVO KOUŘIL company – JOINERY was founded in 1996.
Our production is focused on originality and consistent processing of the entrusted custom
work, while maintaining a more affordable price level. Our customer is satisfied
in cases, when normal production is unsatisfactory, whether in spatial concept or
method of processing or material solution.
We are constantly adding new technological procedures to our products, materials and components.
Each of our products is essentially original, designed in response to operational
and spatial conditions of the interior. Orders are always processed as comprehensively as possible,
from the initial design of the investor or our architect, after transport and assembly of products.
We process almost all joinery materials available on the market, necessary for production
quality furniture for demanding customers with high utility value and long life.