Interiors Ostrava Stanek
Use the services of certified companies and order painting and masonry, or laying carpet from US. All services done by our permanent, professional team based on rich experience. For you, this means a guarantee of a job well done in a short time and at a bargain price. Avoid unnecessary worry. Whether you need painting works, masonry work, or laying carpet, do not hesitate to contact us.
benefits, that our customers value
Our services are available within cities Ostrava, Havirov, Karvina, Frydek-Mistek, Novy Jicin, Opava and Prague, including their surroundings. Contact us and get more info.
Painting works
We to paint any object inside and out, according to your requirements. part painting work is preparing for painting and final cleaning. Furniture, window, floors and other parts carefully nemalované we cover and carry out cleaning and, it is possible to use the facility immediately. before starting painting work you, If you are interested in, We help with choosing the right colors for the perfect look of your interior, or exterior.
masonry work
We will offer all masonry work indoors by minor modifications, over plaster, plasterboard and ceilings, to the tiling work. masonry work perform according to your project, or help you choose the best solution for your situation. Contact us and get bricklaying in Ostrava, Havirov and near key and high quality.
Flooring work - laying carpet
Get high-quality floor covering and inhale his home, office, or other premises new look. perform laying carpet on old and new floors. If necessary, the floor before laying carpet Carefully align leveling squeegee, so you can enjoy 100% comfort. Of course we give you a choice of many types of carpets, suitable for any environment. Pro laying carpet in Ostrava, Havirov and near contact us now.
Stand – interiors Ostrava
Petr Staněk
Lumírova 512/6, 700 30 Ostrava
TECH ICAL: 47983604
UID: CZ7507045194
Trade certificate issued MM Ostrava under Ref SMO / 338109/14 / ZU / PLD Sp.zn. S-WE / 338088/14 / AP
Stand, orders and execution
(+420) 603 473 997
Hýža, realization
(+420) 604 537 895