General Net
The company was founded in 2007, in response to demand for quality and fast internet connection and related services – active of access to customers, quick service, guarantee of availability and reliability.
In a relatively short time, we have built an extensive radio and optical network from the community network, whose services it uses several hundred satisfied user.
Just theirs positive Feedback and recommendations to relatives and friends are a guarantee for us, that our services are on top level and that we have set out on the right path.
Technical support and fault reporting
Po – Born 8:00 – 20:00 604 900 688
We opened a new store on Pasteurova street 8a in Olomouc
We offer repairs and PC service, laptops, printers, consulting activity, sale of new and refurbished computers and laptops, components and accessories.
General Net
Tomáš Hořínek
side 517
big Týnec
783 72
tel.: (+420) 604 708 428
web: http://www.generalnet.czPRICE LIST
Technology 2,4 GHz
Rate Speed (Down / Up) Price (CZK incl. DPH) i200 1024/512kbit 200,- i300 2/1Mbit 300,- Technology 5 GHz
Rate Speed (Down / Up) Price (CZK including VAT) i200. 2Mbit/512kbit 200,- i300 5/2Mbit 300,- i400 8/3Mbit 400,- 5GHz technology – UBNT
Rate Speed (Down / Up) Price (CZK incl. DPH) ubnt1 10/5Mbit 360,- ubnt2 14/6Mbit 480,- ubnt3 18/8Mbit 600,- LAN
Rate Speed (Down / Up) Price (CZK incl. DPH) i200 3Mbit/512kbit 200,- i300 10/5Mbit 300,- i400 16/10Mbit 400,- Installation fee
Contract for 24 months * Contract for 12 months * Contract for an indefinite period Tariff / monthly 500,- 1000,- 1500 – 2000,- 200,- a 300,- /monthly 1,- 500,- 1000 – 1800,- 360,- a 400,- /monthly 1,- 1,- 1000,- 480,- a 600,- /monthly The installation fee is contractual and is determined by the technician directly during the inspection of the connected place. Its amount depends on the complexity of the installation and the distance from the transmitter. Inspection and pricing is free. The work of a technician and installation is always FREE
*) for bound installation fees, the distance from the transmitter is calculated to be around 500m. For longer distances, a price difference may be charged for a more powerful antenna, or an atypical supporting structure – boom, possibly a longer cable duct. The price difference will be determined by the technician during an on-site consultation. (Typically it's around 500,-)
Pricing service work
Work technician 30min (does not apply to the installation of an Internet connection) 250,- Transport (calculated from Olomouc) 10CZK / km PC repair , software, hardware by appointment * All prices incl. 20% DPH
List of covered places:
Venice 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Bílsko 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Březce 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Birches 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Blatec 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Cakov 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Čechovice 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Dalov 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Doloplazy 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Dubčany 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Grygov 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Fertilizers 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Cholina 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Kožušany 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Pub 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Křelov 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Liboš 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Litovel and surroundings 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Bad 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Mezice 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Moravská Huzová 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Náklo 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Nový Dvůr 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Odrlice 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Olomouc and surroundings 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Přáslavice 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Switches 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Commands 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Senice 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Senička 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Herd 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Svésedlice 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Stepanov 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Unčovice 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Vacanovice 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT big Týnec 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Vilémov 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Vsisko 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT Žerotín 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 5GHz UBNT You did not find your connection point here? Write to us at infO@generalbornt.cfrom, or call tel: 604 708 428, maybe coverage is currently being prepared for you.
Štěpánov Elementary School
Kindergarten Štěpánov
Agricultural Cooperative Unčovice
Stavebniny U Komína
and others approx 20 companies in the localities covered……
- Terms & Conditions:
1.1. Providing data services consisting in enabling the user to access the Internet.
1.2. Provision of supervision services for terminal network equipment such as LAN or W-LAN, which will be located at the user (hereinafter referred to as equipment service) Equipment service means troubleshooting, which were not created on the terminal network device by unprofessional intervention of the user or another person. During the warranty period, the equipment will be serviced in compliance with the above conditions free of charge. After the warranty, we provide free supervision and the service will be charged according to the tariff.
1.3. Providing system and technical support, consulting and advisory activities (hereinafter referred to as professional support), which will be directly related to the operation of the user's existing terminal equipment and the provider's network.2. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES
2.1. The provider will allow the user to access the Internet and set up his connection, which it passes on to him and demonstrates its functionality
2.2. A Handover Protocol will be drawn up between the parties to this agreement on the user's connection to the Internet..
2.3. The user undertakes to reimburse the provider for all costs, which the provider has spent on connecting the user. The user undertakes to pay the connection costs to the provider no later than 14 days from the date of signing the handover protocol. The user undertakes to pay the connection costs to the provider in the agreed manner, thus in cash or by transfer to the provider's account. Case, that the user does not pay the provider the cost of connection in full within the specified period, agreed by the parties, that the provider has the right to withdraw from this contract. In this case, the user undertakes to allow the provider to uninstall an already installed device
2.4. In the case of planned service interventions on the data link line, the Provider undertakes to inform the user by e-mail about the date of such service intervention at least 1 the day before their implementation.
2.5. In the event of an unplanned data link interruption, the provider undertakes according to the situation and
possibility to ensure the removal of this interruption as soon as possible.
2.6. The user undertakes to allow the provider or third parties authorized by him, which ensure the provision of activities for the provider according to the subject of this contract, access to all
space needed for connection, installation or uninstallation of equipment and, where appropriate, measurement, for the purposes of implementing the subject of this contract.2.7. The user undertakes, that it will not provide the acquired connection or services related to it to other persons or entities not listed in this contract or related contracts.
When, that the user violates this obligation, the provider is entitled to withdraw from this contract. The withdrawal takes effect upon delivery to the user.
2.8. The provider reserves the right not to connect the user, whose device is not compatible with the provider's device.
2.9. The provider further reserves the right not to connect the user, if during the installation of the device at the user, proves, that local conditions do not allow future faultless operation of the equipment.3. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF FIXED DATA LINK
3.1. Both parties have agreed, that the fixed data link will be established through the technical means of the provider (network access point) and users (LAN or W-LAN network terminal with accessories located at the user).
3.2. Connection parameters: data connection using a wireless device
3.3. The operation of the data link will be continuous, unlimited in time.
3.4. After the installation of the user's connection, the provider will ensure the preparation of the Handover Protocol. The handover protocol will be made in two copies, one for each contracting party. After signing the handover protocol, it will become an annex to this contract. By signing the installation protocol, both parties confirm the functionality of the client device's connection to the Internet.4. SPECIFICATIONS OF DATA SERVICES
4.1. The user will be provided with a capacity Internet connection (bandwidth), which will correspond to the type of service ordered.
4.2. Any other services, if any, which the provider offers, will be provided to the user on the basis of his order. The provision of these additional services will be between the provider and
the user has concluded a written amendment to this contract, the subject of which will also be the determination
5.1. The provider will designate a contact person, which, after prior agreement with the user, will perform any equipment service and professional support. Contact information for this person is available from the provider.
5.2. For the needs of service of the device, the provider or a third party designated by him is entitled to access the user's network. To this end, the user shall provide the provider or a third party designated by him with access to his data network upon request.
5.3. The user will allow the provider or his designated contact person, access to its objects, rooms and equipment to the extent necessary to provide service for the equipment.
5.4. The provider will provide professional support through the person designated by him during normal working hours, either by phone, network resources, in writing or in person.
5.5 The provider is only responsible for defects, arising from a breach of the obligations arising from the Contract, if such a breach was committed through willful misconduct, or gross negligence of the Provider, his employees, or a sales representative. The provider is not responsible for lost profits related to the failure of the subscriber's internet. The provider is not responsible for defects, which arose as a result of the participant's unauthorized intervention in any of the components of the connection point. In such a case, the Provider will charge compensation for the elimination of the defect in accordance with the price list.
In case of warranty, or post-warranty repairs by your provider, or a person designated by him charges travel expenses according to the current tariff listed on
In the case of a fixed-term contract, a guarantee is provided for the receiving facility 2 years. For the duration of the contract, the receiving facility is the property of the provider. After the termination of the contract for a definite period, the receiving device becomes the property of the user and service intervention on it is charged according to the price list.6. PAYMENT TERMS AND PRICES FOR SERVICES
6.1. For data services provided under Article 3 a 4 of this contract, the user undertakes to pay the provider a fee in the agreed amount specified in the handover protocol.
6.2. If the user requires the connection of multiple computers at the same address, an agreement with the provider is required.
6.3. If the user requests to connect more computers to different addresses, it is necessary to first make an agreement with the contact person or provider, which will assess the conditions under which this will be allowed.
6.4. The user undertakes to pay the monthly flat fee always by the last working day of the calendar month, for which the fee is paid, either in cash or by non-cash transfer to the provider's account. The provider issues the invoice to the user only at the user's request.
6.5. When, that there will be a long-term interruption in the provision of data services for objective reasons or for reasons on the part of the provider, the user will be obliged to pay the provider
the monthly flat fee proportionally reduced by an amount corresponding to the time, for which the provision of data services will be interrupted. This amount must be requested by each user no later than 30 calendar days, otherwise this overpayment will not be paid.
For the purposes of this Agreement, a long-term interruption in the provision of data services shall be deemed to be a minimum interruption 5 calendar days and longer, possibly even more shorter interruptions, if their total length in one calendar month reaches the above range.
6.6. When, that the user does not pay a monthly flat fee, or another agreed within the time limit set out above, the provider reserves the right to disconnect the user from the provider's network
6.7. In case of user reconnection, which has been disconnected from the network due to non-payment of a monthly flat fee, the provider may, at its discretion, charge a handling fee of 500 CZK.
6.8. The flat fee does not include compensation for the elimination of defects, which originated on
terminal network equipment of the user by unprofessional intervention of the user or another person.
6.9. The Provider reserves the right to change the amount of the monthly flat fee. However, any change in the amount of the flat-rate fee must be commensurate with the change in costs, which
the provider spends in connection with the provision of services under this contract. The Provider undertakes to notify the User of a change in the amount of the flat fee at least two calendar months in advance in the form of a notice on the Website, electronic, by phone or in person.
6.10. In the event of an increase in the monthly flat fee, the user is entitled to withdraw from this contract. Withdrawal from the contract is always effective from the first day of the month following the month, in which the written withdrawal of the user from the contract was delivered to the provider.7. THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT
7.1. This Agreement shall enter into force and effect on the date of its signature by the Contracting Parties. The provision of own services will begin on the day of signing the Agreement on the provision of data services. Per month, in which the Agreement will be signed and in which the provision of own services under this Agreement will begin, the user undertakes to pay a proportion of the monthly lump sum payment.
7.2. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period, or indefinite. This time is specified on the front.
7.3. The contract can be terminated by written notice. Termination of this contract takes effect on the day of delivery to the provider and the notice period begins on the first day of the following calendar month. The notice period is 30 calendar days.
The Provider is entitled to terminate this contract only if, that:
– the user repeatedly failed to pay the provider a monthly flat fee in full in one calendar year,
– the user has seriously violated the provisions of this agreement
– the provider in the given municipality terminates the provision of services connected with the connection, which are the subject of this contract,
– providing a connection to that user will no longer be technically possible, e.g. due to the user's relocation, due to construction modifications at the user or third parties, etc..
7.4. This contract may also be terminated by written agreement of both parties, signed by them or by withdrawing from the contract in cases stipulated by generally binding legal regulations or this contract.
7.5. In the case of concluding a contract for a definite period, the contract can be terminated according to point 7.3, when, in addition, the user will be charged a contractual penalty 1500,- which the user is obliged to pay on the basis of the issued invoice.8. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS
8.1. Any changes to this contract must be in writing and must be confirmed by the signatures of the responsible representatives of both parties.
8.2. This contract is made in 2 originálech, of which each party will receive one.
8.4. In matters not regulated by this contract, the relevant provisions of Act no. 40/1964 Sb., Civil Code.8.5. The Provider reserves the right to change the general conditions, the current wording of which can be found at
Specification of used interfaces in telecommunication network
Interface type Technical specification Connector type 10BASE-T IEEE 802.3 RJ45 100BASE-T IEEE 802.3 RJ45 1000BASE-T IEEE 802.3 RJ45 Wireless LAN IEEE802.11b is not Wireless LAN IEEE802.11g is not Wireless LAN IEEE802.11a is not - General Net
Tomáš Hořínek
side 517
big Týnec
783 72
tel.: (+420) 604 708 428
web: http://www.generalnet.czOpening hours
Po – Fri 9:00 – 18:00
New connections
Tomáš Hořínek604 708 428Technical support and fault reporting
604 900 688
Po – Born 8:00 – 20:00 on both telephone numbers ** Outside the operating hours or in case of unavailability of the technician, please write an sms.