ESB – Elektroslužby Bílek
ESB elektroslužby Bílek Mohelnice
We specialize in heavy a low voltage wiring for apartments and industrial, administrative and agricultural buildings. Thanks to the superior technical background, experience and knowledge of our employees provide our customers with a quality service and professional approach.
In our work we strictly observe all safety precautions. We think about the future, and therefore perform all ELEKTROSLUŽBA precisely and carefully so, to make of her results could enjoy many years.
(+420) 583 433 444
(+420) 775 15 15 11
(+420) 775 15 15 81 (6:00 – 14:00)
(+420) 775 15 15 82 (6:00 – 14:00)
esb.youhelnice@tiscaat the.cfrom
TECH ICAL: 44758529
Trade certificate issued by MU Mohelnice, C.J.:, ev.č.: