Home for the elderly Uničov
Welcome to the Home for Seniors, located in the city of Uničova – lower Sukolom. This is a private residential care facility, which was the day 28.12.2010 awarded by the Regional Office of the Olomouc Region registration, and that the town was situated Uničov community plan of social services Uničovská.
The target group homes are seniors aged 65-80 let, elderly seniors over the age of 80 years, Adults aged 40-64 years old and people with disabilities, who sustained a medical condition in need of day care.
Mission Home is a year-round continuity of care for the elderly in accordance with their rights and freedoms. Our commitment is to provide decent facilities for seniors, who because of their age or disease can not fend for themselves and provide services with regard to the individual needs of each inhabitant.
The home is a total 18 rooms with capacity 40 beds. We warmly decorated double, triple and superior rooms. Each room has its own bathroom and toilet. All-day meals are cooked in your own kitchen and served in the dining room, eventually delivered more for rooms. Washing bed linen and personal laundry service provides professional. The home is in a quiet location off the main road. To relax in the fresh air, it is possible to use the courtyard and a nice sitting under the pergola.
Home visits 1x per week GP, and they regularly attend specialist doctors (psychiatrist, internist, diabetologist, gynecologist…).
Users of the service we provide:
- accommodations
- eating (5x-6x daily)
- washing, ironing, mangling and repair service
- assistance with personal hygiene and self-care
- assistance with asserting rights, legitimate interests and personal matters
- continuous nursing care, including rehabilitation
- conditions for leisure activities, cultural activities and meeting the spiritual needs
- hairdressing and pedicure services
- We arrange medical care
In accordance with Act No.. 108/2006 Sb. The Social Services provide residential services
- Homes for the elderly
The project is an unconventional business plan in the field of social services. It aims to create a complex of active aging, where its users find the full spectrum of social assistance and activity. The aim is to improve the quality of services provided to senior citizens in the micro and help increase the number of users.
If you are interested in further information use:
- tel.č.: Home office 585 000 282
- Monika Glatterová 734 598 301
- Kateřina Bruštíková 731 197 820
Alternatively, send your questions to e-mail:
info@domov-aicov.cz or domovunicov@seznam.cfrom
Home for the elderly Uničov s.r.o., lower Sukolom 1106, 783 91 Uničov
Offered services
- Accommodation on the basis of contracts concluded with the user indefinitely
- Full catering
- Health care
- Rehabilitation
- Basic social counseling – assistance and advice in dealing with difficult situations, mitigate the negative phenomena accompanying aging
- Assistance in coping with common tasks of self-care
- Assistance with personal hygiene or arranging for personal hygiene
- Washing, Service and repair service
- Providing cleaning services in the whole area of the device
- Mediating contacts with the social environment
- services pedicurist, stylist
- Social therapeutic, and motivational activities within Interest, cultural and social workers organized menu Home
As part of the activities is, among other things provide:
- Memory training for the client's psychological development as. refilling, guesswork, inventing etc..
- Discussion on various topics
- Reading newspapers, Points of Interest, Resumes, fiction
- Social games, artistic and creative work
- For those interested will be held regular worship
- Common movies
- practice thinking, memoirs, communication, learning (speech, nonverbal expressions etc.) ale i motoriku (walking, arm movement, hands and fingers, etc.)
- Walking and sitting in the garden of our home
- Joint birthdays and holidays including entertainment
- Various social events - dance evenings
- Trips
- visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions, concerts and various cultural performances
Provided care services:
Assistance in coping with common tasks of self-care, it is about:
- help and support in food and drink
- help with dressing and undressing, including special equipment
- help to move to a bed or wheelchair for disabled persons
- assist in spatial orientation, independent movement in the inner space
- ensuring age-appropriate diet, principles rac. rational nutrition and food needs
- bringing food and drink
- medication on doctor's recommendation
Assistance with personal hygiene or arranging for personal hygiene includes:
- assistance with personal hygiene common tasks including shaving, help with overall body hygiene
- help with washing and cutting hair
- assistance with toileting
Fees and payments
Payment for services is determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No.. 108/2006 Sb., on social services, as amended (hereinafter “law”) and Decree No.. 505/2006 Sb., implementing certain provisions of the Act on Social Services, as amended (hereinafter “notice”):
Double and triple room 200,-CZK / day
All-day diet: 160,-CZK / day
Social services (care) within § 35 paragraph. 1 point. a), b), e), f), h), i) a j) law: the amount of the granted allowance for care
User is obliged to pay for the provision of care per calendar month an amount equal to the care allowance granted pursuant to the provisions. § 73 paragraph. 4 point. a) law. For the amount of dependence on the assistance of another person is:
v I. degree (lying down Addiction) 800,-CZK
ve II. degree (medium dependency) 4000,-CZK
ve III. degree (heavy dependence) 8000,-CZK
ve IV. degree (total dependence) 12000,-CZK
The care allowance is intended solely for care, which is provided by social services (Section 73 paragraph 4 of the Act 108/2006) and can not be used to pay for accommodation, Diet and optional services. When, the user is the recipient of care allowance, becomes this post the full amount of income provider.
When, the user has granted care allowance and care needs to a certain extent, the ISP has provided the following activities for a fee:
- social therapeutic activities
- educationally, educational and motivational activities
- assistance with running a household
- assistance with asserting rights, legitimate interests and looking after personal matters
- assistance in coping with common tasks of self-care
- assistance with personal hygiene, or arranging for personal hygiene
- mediating contacts with the social environment
Payment will be individually determined by the extent of the individual user's needs.
Social service provider can agree on cost sharing with the family members of users, the service is provided, if this user is insufficient income to cover the costs - that is, 85% lower income users, than the price of residential services.
optional services:
In accordance with § 35 paragraph. 4) law, the user may be in addition to basic social services provided or mediated by other activities or services. These optional activities, which provides the user with home regularly or irregularly, are provided beyond basic operations and equipment from them higher, another form of unpaid, costs.
To cover optional services are not covered by the statutory obligation of minimum balance their own income residential service users. Optional services are covered by the own resources users in their full and are negotiated individually with each user.
These include the use of own appliances, marking and repair underwear, brokerage services hairdresser, pedicure, spiritual services, lending wheelchairs and walkers, rehabilitative care, meal delivery service, financial services, Transport service by car, minor repairs, buying, importation of medicines and supplement, payment of regulatory fees for the doctor and for prescriptions, escort personnel, Post Toiletries, seasonal vaccination, coffee brewing and. Visits users, lending of books, coverage of radio and television fees, fees for Internet and cable TV, fee for garbage cans, etc..
The total cost of stay is set individually according granted allowance CARE AND SERVICES ACCORDING facultative.
Photo Gallery
birthday celebrations Created 8. 8. 2013
Christmas Eve 2012 Created 8. 1. 2013
Concert Music School Uničov 2012 Created 21. 12. 2012
Mikuláš 2012 Created 6. 12. 2012
ports … Created 6. 12. 2012
Farewell to summer… Created 7. 9. 2012
Celebrations… Created 6. 9. 2012
Olomouc trumpeters Created 3. 4. 2012
Performance art school Uničov Created 3. 4. 2012
Performance by children from kindergarten J.z Poděbrad Uničov Created 3. 4. 2012
Saint Nicholas Day Created 3. 4. 2012
Sponsorship of C4 Help, o.p.s. Kyjov Created 19. 10. 2011
Life at Home… Created 23. 6. 2011
Exterior Created 22. 6. 2011
Interior Created 18. 8. 2010
Construction before completion… Created 11. 8. 2010
lower Sukolom 1106
783 91 Uničov
TECH ICAL: 286 33 342
Tel: (+420) 585 000 282
E-mail: infO@domov-unicov.cfrom
Web: www.domov-unicov.cz