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"Tohle nikdo nechce." Trump is going strongly on the Kremlin, Putin's team is nervous
After Wednesday's call Trump with Putin gave the Kremlin the state media in order, In order to emphasize the leading role of the Russian President.
Against Babiš and the final. Polívka with friends supported Fiala, chtějí "strhnout lavinu"
Prime Minister Petr Fiala supporters would like to support him in the coming months. They believe, that other cities and people will join in Brno.
The worst possible timing. The prestigious sheet has described, As Putin wants to deck Trump
"Putin excels in showing self -confidence and strength. In fact, his cards are not so strong," writes the British newspaper The Economist.
"Bohužel ty své představy uskutečnil." The murderer from Hradec has confessed to the crime, in custody
Páteční rozhodování o vazbě probíhalo za přísných bezpečnostních opatření. Obviněný mladík měl na sobě neprůstřelnou vestu a černou kapuci.
Liars, heard Musk from Astronaut. Soon he suggested to terminate the operation of the ISS three years earlier
Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice (ISS) již splnila svůj účel a měla by být do dvou let stažena z oběžné dráhy, oznámil Musk.
EU plans to increase Kiev's military assistance. He wants to support him at the time of Russia's negotiations with the US
Review: Co kdyby se potápělo Dánsko. V seriálu se musí evakuovat celá země
Political hawk promoting Trump's vision. To help Ukraine had always had reservations
What do you see first? Optical illusion is said to reveal a hidden personality component
Těžký los, Plzeň vyzve v osmifinále Evropské ligy vítěze ligové fáze
On Czechs lurking new traps. Look at the biggest tax changes
Výjimečný objev. Egyptologům trvalo 12 let, než vykopali hrobku faraona Thutmose II.
Money in advance, gentlemen i 2,18 percent. Hladík znovu rozdává na "opravy domů po babičce"
Quiz: Polish has the same words as Czech. But you know, what they really mean?
A cold shower for Trump's supporters in the Czech Republic. "Podléhá lžím z Ruska," says Fištejn
Money in advance, gentlemen i 2,18 percent. Hladík znovu rozdává na "opravy domů po babičce"
"The successful renovation wave is followed by improved conditions of the New Green Savings program. The main change is, that renovation of family houses will now be available for households, which renovations postponed due to lack of funds for initial investment," The Minister of the Environment Petr Hladík said to the new challenge (KDU-ČSL). The means come from the modernization fund and the sale of emission allowances. Minister ...
On Czechs lurking new traps. Look at the biggest tax changes
Nový časový test na kryptoměny a omezení osvobozených prodejů Dobrá zpráva pro investory do kryptoměn - from within 2025 vstupuje v platnost osvobození od daně při splnění tříletého časového testu. Kdo tedy kryptoměny drží déle než tři roky, nemusí platit daň z jejich prodeje. Případně lze využít limit 100 tisíc korun ročně, pod který spadá i prodej krypta drženého kratší dobu. Pokud tedy v tomto roce prodáte kryptoměny za 99 999 crowns, daň neplatíte....
Řetězec KFC se stěhuje do Texasu, kentucký guvernér je zklamán
Politování nad rozhodnutím vedení přestěhovat firmu vyjádřil podle agentury AP guvernér státu Kentucky Andy Beshear. He recalled, že firma dříve známá jako Kentucky Fried Chicken v Kentucky vznikla a je synonymem jejího kulturního dědictví. Podnik se přestěhuje z Louisville v Kentucky do Plana v Texasu. Rozhodnutí společnosti Yum Brands je součástí plánu mít dvě sídla pro své hlavní značky - KFC a Pizza Hut budou sídlit v Planu, zatímco Taco Bell a Habit Burger & Grill zůstanou v Irvine v...
The working world infested an epidemic of busyness. Productivity suffers
Rosendahl made a small social experiment and document the answers to the question for one week "How are you". According to her estimate, nearly eight out of ten people answered "busy". That our days are increasingly full of work, confirm academic research. Analysis of Gallup agency data, made by Ashley Whalans of Harvard Business School, For example, she found out, that the percentage of employed Americans, who report, that "never...
Trillions of rubles as a record spending. A crisis in Russia is to help to wipe off special commission
Taxes are here. Who has to file a tax return and who pays off voluntarily?
Kaput. The well -known commentator describes, As Germany is economically falling into the second league
Czech Republic will electrify half of the railways behind 500 let. We speed up, urguje study
More than half of Czechs this year expect a worse financial situation, But optimism is growing
Cheered for Trump, believed in a strong economy. Now Orbán is afraid of inflation and American cells
Imports of cheap pork from the EU decreases, are praised by Czech pig breeders
You made a mistake. The Bavarian Prime Minister asks to re -launch three nuclear power plants
Interest in erotic toys before Valentine is growing, Especially among women. Co "letí" most?
Generace Z vyměnila nedostupné bydlení za "dostupný" luxury
Němci budou volit podle nových pravidel, ušetří tak přes 125 milionů eur ročně
An earlier complex system of balancing and overhanging mandates caused, that the number of deputies gradually grew and a place 598 were recorded in the last parliament 736. After the upcoming early elections there will be 630. The Germans will choose their political representatives from candidates 29 political parties. Part of the voters took advantage of the possibility of correspondence voting, But it seems not so interested in it..
Political hawk promoting Trump's vision. To help Ukraine had always had reservations
Michael "Mike" Waltz is a veteran from Afghanistan and Africa. For his participation in combat missions he gained several honors. He participated as a member of a recognized special unit called green berets. Experience has signed on his later political views. He was a loud critic of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan during the reign of President Joe Biden and at the same time promoted strict conditions for any military reduction..
The body returned by Hamas does not belong to the hostage of a bibas. Breach of agreement, Israel bows
Israeli raid torn the body of bibas to pieces, Like the bodies of other victims found in the debris, He said, according to The Times of Israel, a spokesman for Hamas Ismáil Thvábta. Thus repeated the claim, that Bibas, like her sons Ariel and Kfir, died in an Israeli air raid, that hit the place, Where was it held. The Israeli authorities, however,...
Liars, heard Musk from Astronaut. Soon he suggested to terminate the operation of the ISS three years earlier
"It is time to start preparations to download an international space station from Orbit. Has fulfilled its purpose. Brings only a very small gradual benefit," said Musk on his social network x. In the next post he added, that the use of ISS should end as soon as possible. "My recommendation is in two years," he continued. Podle Muska je konečné rozhodnutí na Trumpovi. Podnikatel narozený v Jihoafrické republice je v posledních...
"Tohle nikdo nechce." Trump is going strongly on the Kremlin, Putin's team is nervous
Na barikády! a Smrt fašismu! Zázračné předvolební vzkříšení německé Levice
The worst possible timing. The prestigious sheet has described, As Putin wants to deck Trump
Trumpův spojenec Kash Patel povede FBI. "Je nebezpečný a nezkušený," tvrdí demokraté
A cold shower for Trump's supporters in the Czech Republic. "Podléhá lžím z Ruska," says Fištejn
Sandály Birkenstock nejsou uměleckým dílem. Neprokazují individualitu, zdůvodnil soud
Toto eskalovalo velmi rychle. Reconstruction 96 temných hodin mezi Trumpem a Zelenským
Papež František vtipkoval s Meloniovou, poté posnídal v křesle. Jeho stav se lepší
Zdání klame. Míru na Ukrajině se ani neblížíme, Putin má jiný plán, varuje Kuleba
Hamás předal Červenému kříži rakve s těly čtyř mrtvých izraelských rukojmích
Los Konferenční ligy: Chelsea čeká FC Kodaň, Panathinaikos vs. Fiorentina
Fotbalisté Bialystoku s českým obráncem Sáčkem vyzvou v osmifinále Konferenční ligy Cercle Bruggy. Legia s útočníkem Pekhartem se utká s Molde.
Spory se svazem. Odchody talentů a sen o olympiádě: jenže za Německo!
Barbora Bursová (18) má nakročeno do německé badmintonové reprezentace, Petra Maixnerová (19) je čerstvou mistryní České republiky v ženské kategorii. Dva možná největší české badmintonové talenty, které už ovšem mají u jména rozdílné vlaječky, opustily svazové struktury a zatím rozhodně nelitují. „Jít si vlastní cestou je nejlepší,“They agree.
Czech football clubs have moved up in the UEFA national coefficient rankings after Thursday's rematches of the introductory round of the elimination phase of the European Conference League: Plzeň má soupeře! Půjde na vítěze ligové fáze z Říma
Přání trenéra Miroslava Koubka bylo vyslyšeno. Po postupu přes Ferencváros tentokrát Plzeň čeká velmi těžký soupeř – italské Lazio Řím. Druhou možností při losu bylo španělské Bilbao, kde plzeňští hráči v lednovém utkání ligové fáze neuspěli (1:3) a chtěli se mu vyhnout. „Do Bilbaa už raději nechci. Člověk si tady už moc nevybere, ale raději Lazio Řím,“ vyslovil se směrem k losu záložník Pavel Šulc. Sledujte speciál Ligy naruby o losu i chystaném šlágru se Slavií ŽIVĚ.
Emmons zpět u Američanů po štaci u Čechů: Teď je vše vybalancované
Directly from Lenzerheide | He helped for two years with shooting Czech biathlonists. Now Matthew Emmons is back at your. American, with whom, however, you will chat without difficulty in Czech, could enjoy the success of his new ward and Czech mixed relay. “I jumped in the living room, I was very happy,“He revealed in the championship venue, Where did he arrive only. How is it in the US team now, What does his wife Kateřina do and how the shooting genes are manifested in their children?
The Czech Republic is held in the coefficient just before Turkey: Pilsen competes with Fenerbahce
Czech football clubs are in the ninth place in the UEFA national coefficient even after the opening round of the knockout phase of the European Cups. They have ahead of Thursday before the tenth Turkey 0,4 point, which is the difference of one victory. Both countries remain in the game only one team - Pilsen and Fenerbahce Istanbul. Maintaining the ninth place means a better position for vice -champion, Currently plays for deployment in the next season 2026/27.
Probable reports: Slágr Plzen vs. Slavia. And as Sparta replaces Haraslín?
LOGS OF THE MASTERS LEAGUE: Bavaria vs. Leverkusen I Madrid derby
ONLINE: Gathered Dynamo in Litvínov? Comet in the fight for four. Sparta also plays
Slovácko match with Hradec postponed. The flu has been scrolled over ten players
Football Transfer ONLINE: Gning back in Teplice, reinforcement for Zbrojovka
Alcaraz praised the lights after losing: Was incredible. Decided a single point
Got apples for birthday and ... Died a deposed winner of the Great Pardubice
King McDavid! Drama for Canada, Fighting with the US has grown hockey: Politika I Pieta
STAMPS Pilsen: Otter in represent form? Bravo, Durosinmi! Šulc brought the difference
Happy cloud: The team is sucked like a lemon. Leave us a stamplička ...